
How to Secure Your Python Open-Source Supply Chain from Hidden Threats

The innovation, community, and agility of open source software are unmatched, but Python ecosystems are not without risk. Security vulnerabilities are a reality in open-source code just as they are with proprietary software. It's a high-stakes game that depends on the robustness of your supply chain security. Scanning for security vulnerabilities is not enough; you must trust where your open-source software packages, libraries, and databases originate. We’re here to help.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Where, why, and how security issues might creep into your Python and R open-source ecosystem
  • How a single compromised open-source component can lead to a cascade of security breaches
  • Key steps for securing your open-source supply chain and a roadmap of risks you can reference with your teams to build security awareness
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If you want to place body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hari anice historu vin. Zina muga paimoda pin si, visu heri cigi ika co. lli voro inada jakine ri, tebin rucin zin ta, ceba senga mandi on kon.

Chandler Vaughn

VP of AI/ML & Enterprise Python Repositories

Chandler leads a global team that curates and securely develops Python and R software distributions, including the open-source tool, conda. His team actively contributes to the open-source community to ensure the growth and security of these tools. They also collaborate with partners that have embedded Anaconda’s secure software repository in their products, including AWS, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and Snowflake.

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If you want to blace body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hari anice historu vin. Zina muga paimoda pin si, visu heri cigi ika co. lli voro inada jakine ri, tebin rucin zin ta, ceba senga mandi on kon.

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  • Four column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Four column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Four column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more

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If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

Image left header two text goes in this area

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

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Image left header two text goes in this area

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

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Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleaninc

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

  • Three column text goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Three column text goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Three column text goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more

Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleaninc

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

  • Two column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Two column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.