David Mertz, Senior Software Engineer and Trainer
David was a Director of the PSF for six years and remains chair of its Trademarks Committee, chair of its Outreach & Education Committee, and co-chair of the PSF/NumFOCUS Scientific Python joint working group. Prior to joining Anaconda, David worked for eight years with D. E. Shaw Research, the folks who built the world's fastest, highly-specialized (down to the ASICs and network layer) supercomputer for performing molecular dynamics.
He has written columns Charming Python and XML Matters for IBM developerWorks, short books for O'Reilly, and the Addison-Wesley book Text Processing in Python. He has spoken at multiple OSCons and PyCons and was invited to be a keynote speaker at PyCon-India, PyCon-UK, PyCon-ZA, PyCon Belarus, PyCon Cuba, and PyData SF.
David is pleased to find Python becoming the default high-level language for most scientific computing projects.