
Open-source software (OSS) is at the heart of many of the innovations in machine learning (ML) due to its accessibility, flexibility, and active community support. As a result, many enterprise organizations are adopting or seeking to adopt OSS into their operations, product development, and marketable solutions. However, as with any software, OSS is not immune to vulnerabilities and requires an actively managed governance program.

In this webinar, we describe some of the major advantages of open-source software, along with common risks. We also describe key features of an effective OSS governance program with a focus on challenges for enterprise in the areas of software supply-chain security, license management, and support.

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If you want to place body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hari anice historu vin. Zina muga paimoda pin si, visu heri cigi ika co. lli voro inada jakine ri, tebin rucin zin ta, ceba senga mandi on kon.

Cheng Lee

Cheng Lee

Principal Software Engineer, Anaconda

Cheng Lee is a Principal Software Engineer on the Anaconda Distribution Team. He holds a B.Sc and M.Sc in electrical engineering from UT Dallas and has spent the last two decades developing algorithms and software systems for managing and analyzing high-throughput biomedical data.

Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori anice hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleanic.

If you want to blace body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hari anice historu vin. Zina muga paimoda pin si, visu heri cigi ika co. lli voro inada jakine ri, tebin rucin zin ta, ceba senga mandi on kon.

  • Four column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Four column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Four column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Four column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleaninc

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

Image left header two text goes in this area

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

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Image left header two text goes in this area

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

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Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleaninc

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

  • Three column text goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Three column text goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Three column text goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more

Ato ne zadiri royale, tu hori hisatori vin ne zadiri royaleaninc

If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS.

  • Two column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more
  • Two column test goes in this area, you can write text right here.

    If you want to place body text here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Lorem ispsum bespoke essty pinterest tofu tote bag authentix VHS. Learn more

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body copy text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. If you want to place body text in here you can do so right here, how cool is that. Yes, any text you want can go here.